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UPCOMING: Nonsense Night Unconventional Convention @ Tangent Sept 9

September 9, 2015
Cosplay Encouraged

Nonsense Night is going full nerdcore for this event. 
Think COMIC CONVENTION but weirder & more intimate & in Detroit.

COSPLAY is strongly encouraged 
(ANYcharacter from ANYuniverse is appropriate)
BOARD & CARD GAMES will be a thing that will be happening
(from Apples to Catan to Risk to Magic to Pokémon to Oranges)
L.A.R.P BATTLES will totally be a thing 
(bring your own (foam) weaponry)
POKéMON GO will be going on
(there's a gym at the venue & several Poké-stops near by)
STAR WARS will be prevalent 
(of course)
ANIME should be all over this shit
(cosplay a Studio Ghibli character or you're a coward)
EVERYTHING "nerdy" or esoteric is welcome.
Nonsense Night is about YOU bringing the weirdness.
This is not a concert. It's HAPPENING starring YOU & your friends.

Musical performances by:
Wesley and the Crushers
Zak & What Army?
Aaron Phoenix Wright